Width:Seat width + 18 cm (24“ wheels) / Seat width + 14,5 cm (12“ wheels)
Length:103 cm (24" wheels) / 98 cm (12" wheels)
Height:88 cm (132,5 cm w/reclining with headrest)
Folded Width:26 cm
Seat Width:38 /40,5 /43 /45,5/48 /52 cm
Seat Depth:41,5 cm
Seat Height:51,5 cm (49 o 46,5 cm w/6" front wheel)
Seat Angle:3º
Seat Tilt:No
Backrest Height:45 cm (50 cm w/reclining backrest)
Back Recline:From 0 to 60º w/reclining backrest
Maximum User Weight:125 kg
Total Weight:From 13.9 kg (Std configuration, size 40)