How can we help you?

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Combination Agreements

Not sure if it's possible to combine a Sunrise Medical product with a product or accessory from another supplier? Here you can find a list of products that Sunrise Medical products have a combination agreement with.

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Dealer Locator

Interested in purchasing a Sunrise Medical product? Find out the details of your nearest dealership.


Storage and returns

Find out how to return a product or part to us, along with our disinfection requirements. Additionally we offer separate storage guidelines on products without any electronics, E-mobility products with Lithium Ion batteries or power wheelchairs and scooters with gel batteries.

Service Videos & WEBINARS

Watch step-by-step videos on how to perform maintenance on your Sunrise Medical product.Click on the play button of each, to see any video 


Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question about your Sunrise Medical product? Find the answer here.



Download PDF versions for current and discontinued products.


Crash testing

Your safety is important to us, so Sunrise Medical products are tested according to ISO 7176-19 and ISO 16840-4 (which involves simulating the behaviour of our products in a frontal impact on a vehicle). Learn more about how we test our products.

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Partners & Links

Do you need a service or repair?

Do you need to arrange a repair or service?

We hope that you have a trouble-free experience with your Sunrise Medical product. However, if a problem should occur, the Sunrise Medical dealership where you originally bought your product from is your first point of call. They are trained to diagnose and rectify any problems, including warranty repairs and carrying out servicing.

Can't remember where you bought your product from?

Contact us

Still need help?


We'll respond as soon as possible.

Anyway, keep in mind that we sell our products through our dealers, so please do not hesitate in contact them directly.

Facebook Messanger

Between 9am-5pm, Mon to Fri.



+49 (0) 7253 980-0

Between 9am-5pm, Mon to Fri.

Business Support


Meet the Team

If you're in need of help and support relating to your business with Sunrise Medical, here's a list of people who may be able to help.