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About the author
I am Sara. I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the United States. I am a daughter, aunt, sister, friend and professional. I suffer from Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a disease of the bones that makes them brittle. My mantra is “Design the life that I love."
I must confess, growing up spending all my time in a wheelchair had its struggles. There have been those times when hurdles have been in my path, hurdles that I did not think I could surpass, but I did. Gratitude to my parents for teaching me to see beyond my wheelchair and that your life is your own creation. Armed with my parents’ advice, I set out to do just that, craft my life to be how I wanted it to be.
A thirst for adventure
At a tender age, I set out to live a life worth reckoning in spite of my physical limitations, one that I would take pride in and love. As the years went by and I got older, the sense of adventure took over me. I developed a love for people from all over and I wanted to travel and meet them. I came to terms with the fact that my wheelchair would be my best mate, everywhere I go, it goes with me. I knew that together, we would take on the world and overcome everything we set out to do. It would be the legs that I never was lucky to have.
With the help of my Quickie wheelchair, I have been able to quench my thirst for adventure and love for travel. In my many travels, I have been lucky to visit a few big cities in the United States. I have to say, however, that the city that stands out for me is Chicago. Chicago is wheel-chair friendly allowing me to enjoy the city in its entirety. My fear for heights is no more, after scaling the 1,353 foot tall Willis Tower and going out onto the glass ledge! From strolling along the beaches to dining at awesome restaurants and traversing the city in wheelchair-accessible Chicago Transit Authority buses.
The memorable moments
I was brought up no different than any other. If you ask me what day in my life I would say is the best for me, I would honestly not give a straight up answer. Putting a finger on just a single day is quite difficult. However, one of my best moments was graduating secondary school just like any other able bodied teenager. I was elated to be the first person in a wheelchair in my school district to go through primary and secondary school and graduate. My classmates couldn’t help but give me a standing ovation! It dawned on me then that I had accomplished something yet to be achieved, earning some bragging rights in so doing.

Another memorable moment was when I became an aunt. I felt a responsibility on my shoulders. I had to be awesome not only for myself but more importantly, my nieces and nephews. I have to show them that whatever comes their way, they are able emerge triumphant and accomplish anything they set their minds to.
There are times, however, when my conditions gets to me, and I am in discomfort but I never let that come in my way. That does not deter me from living my life to the fullest. I strive to have a better today.